Selling Dubai
Honestly, prior to 2007, i have been thinking of going abroad but never did i dream of going to a Middle East city like Dubai. i thought the Middle East is only for people who wants to dig up oil and drive through scorching deserts. After i retired from San Miguel, i was actually planning to go to Canada or Australia. But it seemed its gonna be along process and i couldnt afford to wait. Then somebody told me about Dubai and easily i could go there and find a work. I was all too convinced that in a matter of weeks i was ready to fly and gamble at an uncertain future. Six months after, i got back, its not Dubai, its me.
Everyone was surprised with abrupt return. Six months of stay could something so bad has happened. Trading a high paying job for minimal wage could mean something so serious has occurred. Well. its not totally pointless, but its just wasnt the case. As i have always told, i had a little difficulty making myself comfortable with the weather and with the people to whom i have shared a little indifference towards each other. i wasnt so persistent and i have acted as if i was on my own land.
I have dwelled on my personal feelings and i have so much hasty words. Nonetheless, nothings against Dubai. Given the chance, well resources maybe, i still want to go back there. Why not? Its the fastest emerging city in the world and its where the jobs are. Let me tell you, went i went there, i was on a visit visa, everything was arranged for me by a travel agency.
When i arrived there, i was on my own, at least on the job hunting side. Its pretty much the same as Manila, there are still Filipinos everywhere. Only dubai is hotter, claener and lonelier. There's the job section in the daily braodsheet where you can find hundred of available jobs. Online, there's also a handful of listed vacancies to choose from. Nothing beats of course having someone, says a relative or a friend who could help you be endorsed to their friends and thats an easier way to find a job. As for me, i relied more on emails and sending through fax.
To find a job, its not necessary that you have abackground of what you are applying for. You can easily adapt and "doctor" your CV to fit the qualification of the position that you are targetting. People there are trustful, you just have to stick to what you have declared, be consistent.Presto! you can get a job as an office clerk, a hotel boy or a boutique saleman. Except for high profile jobs such as engineers, architects, medical practitioners and chartered accountantsm they usually require some document authentication and sometimes character investigation.

Processing takes little time. One to two ineterviews, if they like you they will hire you. Usually, they will process your papers to make your stay legal. That means that you will be issued a permit and a residence visa. Once they did, you should abide by the provisions of your contract. Dont do what i did, i resigned for no reasons, hence, i was put a ban of six months and was required to reimburse them the cost of my residence visa. If you want to go to Dubai, your heart should be into it, cause once you are there, there is no turning back.
Dubai is place like no other. It is thriving in jobs and business. No wonder thousand of Filipinos arrieve there everythere. With economy just starting to roll over, there is still plenty of shoes to fill in and opportunities to grab. Skilled and professional alike are beginning to discover the gold mine in Dubai. take me for example, i left my 6 years career at San Miguel Corporatiom in hope of a bigger earnings. I have realized actually, only i have gotten some loose screws inside my head.
Lifestyle in Dubai isnt that expensive contrary to popular belief, except accomodation where prices of land and residential spaces are keep on soaring. Food, transport, chocolatesare not anything to worry about, especially if you opt to share with fellow Filipinos in your place. Gimmicks, especially night-outs in a bar isnt strongly recommended because a beer pitcher would cost you around a thousand pesos! As you may know, drinking is not allowed in this Muslim country except in bars, discos and some restaurants. Going to the beach is the brightest yet

Just when you thought that's all there is to see in Dubai, well you are wrong. We are just getting started. Once you get a job and started earning, its tme to explore the great sights Dubai has to offer. What am i talking about? Drop your jaws and pack your things:

omg! stunning! im goin u convinced me!
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