Sunday, November 4, 2007

Where Do Lonely Hearts Go?

I have been alone many times, for most of my life actually. But today i feel the loneliness deep within my heart. So many things are troubling me and i am drowning in a sea of confusing choices. I could not find a place to lay myself to rest. Irreverence is haunting me wherever i go. Even as i put myself to sleep, vivid images of things i am running away from still follow me. My mind is becoming restless and my eyes are turning sore.

Time is moving. As the days become weeks and weeks become months, little by little, i feel i am being stripped off my name and my sanity. I am caged in solitary confinement. I am trying to reach out but my friend pride gets in the way. He does not want others to know that i am hurt. I could not open my heart to anyone for letting someone know would mean giving up on him and that is something that i cannot afford to do.

I am staying in a panic room where no sees and no one hears. My pen, my paper and my loadless celfone are making my day busy. The pictures recounted the moments of how happy i was some months ago. Between that and now, the writings would speak loud of how i have found my sad luck. My mind is going places while my heart pays for it. My heart is receiving all the punches of what other people would have to say. My heart aches for all the unprovided needs and unanswered questions. My heart bleeds as my mind gets back from an endless journey of soul searching, loathed, frutrated and uninspired.

There are noises everywhere and i couldnt stand it. The so many whisphers deep inside me is already too much to bear. The holiday season is fast approaching. The chill is getting colder. The cold wind that touches my face is bringing the tears down my eyes. Bright lights are staring to adorn houses, blinking, shining and dazzling. But the colors are fading and what i see are only black and gray. Joyous music are filling up the air and yet it is setting my mood for a sorrowful reflections. As the year draws to an end, the scattered pieces of my lonely heart is not ready to make up and abandon their exile to isolation. Nursing a predicament isnt always unwanted, especialyy when you have gotten use to it.

Happy hearts find their way when people falls in love. The joyful celebrates the festivities of merry making and togetherness. The sorrowful mourns the loss of a beloved one. The apologetic feels sorry for a mistake or pain unintentionally inflicted on others. The optimistic hopes for the bright side of things. Lonely heart weeps for the times spent alone and in vain.