Monday, October 29, 2007

The Road to Perdition

Is life always bound for damnation no matter what you do? Where is the chance hiding that it would be destined for something great? In a blink of an eye, in a snap of a finger, the journey you thought was heading for the grandest of victory could turn into a disaster you would regret for the rest of your life. Truly, one cannot judge a person's happiness for any moment calamity may overwhelm. But setting side luck, our individual fate still rests with the choices we make, the paths we take and the directions we follow. The journey, which seems to be going all so well, could be derailed or worst ceased with one wrong decision, with one sharp turn.

All my life, i have dreamt of nothing except the welfare of my family. In almost everything i do, i have made them the first among my considerations. That is why it is so frustrating to know that sometimes the best of intentions could not be fulfilled as planned. After so many years of acting in good faith and doing things the Christian way, this is what i get, alone, misunderstood and desperate. Where did i go wrong? How could good intentions reap such an unpleasant fruits? If only i knew ahead that this all i would have become, i would have gladly taken the easy way.

The road to hell is the fastest and easiest way to go. Many have been tempted to take it as it dictates no rules to follow and no restrictions to abide. It does not require education or aheart that consider, all it takes is a blind objective and the courage to inflict and harm. The road is wide, inviting and rewarding. At the speed that you are going, you wont have time to think of other things aside from waht you get out of it: blood moneyand black diamond, until such time that you find yourself wrecked in a terrible mishap.

The path to righteousnessis full of warnings, signals and checkpoints. It is narrow and this is where your patience is put to test. Its boring and slow moving. It would eat up plenty of your time for a little piece of fulfillment. Its money hard earned and accomplishments well deserved. The road less travelled equates to a decent living and acting in conformity with moral, social, legal and spiritual values.

From the time i have gained consciousness, i have taken the righteous path, making family as top prioriy and always respecting the elders. I have shun away from any vices or anything unnecessary. I have not stolen anything form anyone in my entire life and i have not profited from stepping on somebody else's name or reputation. I have studied so hard with helping my family in mind. I have sacrifived even my personal happiness so that i can devote my whole time working, pleasing and fulfilling my repsonsibilities.

All was doing well, but one day i woke up and its all gone. I wuld not want to believe that this is the culmination of all my hardworks and perseverance. Its just not fair. I would rather think that along the way i might have just missed some warning signs or i might have overspeed at times when the road officer isnt visible. I would rather believe that some decisions should not have been made or should have been made more carefully. Taking the easy way is only good as it gets and the price you have to pay is beyong anythuing that you could ever imagine. It is still better to stick to the good norms. When you stumble and fall, all you need is to get , pick up the pieces and learned from your mistakes.

The failure or success is within our reach. Our journey to life leaves us the option of what road to take. We act in accordance with the choices we make. Depending on the ultimate life we want to live, the road is always in the palm of our hands.