Thursday, October 25, 2007

Running Away from Politics

I find politics one of the most disgusting aspect of our society. Nowadays, it has become less of a platform to truly serve the community but rather a tool to fulfill one own vested interest. It has been stained and has taken shape as a new form of free enterprise, in short, business. A business run by families and dynasties, so lucrative that a hundred would die for it, or even kill for it.

But what is it exactly with politics that people are so drawn to liking it? Is geniune desire to serve and help other people still the main reason? Or is it the perks incidental to being an elected official? I am not taling about the salary cause mind you its very minimal, but the power to command and exert influence is something so important that even wealthy businessman and poor people alike are driven to engage in politics. The sincerity is tend to be outdone by their individual desires to profit. It is in this regard that i have made politics the least among my many and varied interests. But could there be something else that have made me despise politics this much? Well, there was actually and heres the story:

When i was in grade six, i ran for presidency in the school's organization. I had been winning almost all competitions here and there that i have represented my school, but for this particular race, right in my own school, i did not win. I was sabotaged! All the school's officials and teachers have conspired not to let me win the position. They have told all students to vote for the other candidates and actually did a very good job. It was later made clear to me why they have to do that, I was the school's academic front runner and they just didnt want that curicular to jeopardize my standing. Thats something that i have not embraced with open arms and i felt betrayed and scammed. It would have been easier had i lost in a fair game. Thats where it is coming. Since then, i have given up on the election process and politics in general. I have lost the capacity to trust.

Now, its election time once again, for Barangay and SK. Sad to say, i am not interested in the candidates and in exercsing my right of suffrage. I'd rather take a sleep that to stain my fingers with indelible ink. Whenever i see candidates campaigning, i cant help but think that they are doing this because someone else wants them to to do this ot that they are actually after the benefits rather than the responsibilities.

My experience in elementary was a bit traumatic and has grown malice and distrust. Seventeen years later, i have yet to see genuine reforms and community developments. I guess not until such time that i see politicians stay true to their purpose and inhibit themselves from doing things that have made this commitment a dirt rug, my perception would always be the same. Time has yet to heal a young heart's sad experience in elementary politics.