Friday, November 9, 2007

Live It Up!

We only have one life but a hundred and one ways to make a difference and be remembered in history. If we waste it, we kill not only ours, but the hopes and dreams of people whose lives intertwine with us in more than a little way that we know. If we render it useless, we are more than being selfish and inconsiderate.
Life itself is a reason to celebrate though life isnt always fair. It never was. So live it up! Enjpy and cherish the happy moments and learn and emrges from your mistakes and fallings. Life's boring if you always assume the safe, sound and smooth side. Sometimes it pays to feel the pain, the hardships and the sorrows. Life is a never ending loop, youll never know where would you be, so you need to experience everything so that you would learn that there's no easy way in living so live it as it is.


Be crazy.
By going through it all, you would know how to deal with yourself and with others more carefully and more sensitively. Life isnt waiting for the storm to pass, its learning to dance in the rain. Its singing in the car when you dont know all the words. Its giving your whole heart to someone even if you are little scared. Its about taking risks.


So live it up! Life's too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right and forget the ones who dont. Lovw with all heart and loved the unlovable side of others. Know a good thing when you see it and dont let it slip away. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life , let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it. So stop figuring out where you are going, just enjoy where you are at.