Friday, November 9, 2007

Rainbow After the Rain

A sprinkle of patience, faith and unrelenting aspirations and the storm is almost over. After going through a series of emotional blows, looks like i am seeing bright new prospects with my new found job in a call center. It felt bad to be jobless and not to be trusted especially when you are way better and capable than the others. Having hired for this job is quite relieving though it is not the typical job that i want to do. I am giving myself a try. I couldnt afford to be choosy at these times.


Stupor November 10, 2007 at 6:06 PM  

Coming out of the spiral? It is true we create and compound our own sorrow ,regret, lament and so on for it seems that it is the inclination to pursue greatness/happiness as we may see it for ourselves, but failure will never be denied as well.
