Monday, November 12, 2007

One Day Job

Just when everybody thought i have settled in for a job, the problem with attitude did it again. I resigned only after reporting to the office for a day. Hell, what was i doing? i dont know myself. Its already a nice job with good pay. I guess i am just too old enough to learn new things or my head's too big enough to fit in that cubicle where i was supposed to work with some ordinary people.
The things i called first impression barely made my heart felt excited and belonged. They dont seem to welcome the idea of having someone so good for an officemate. Well, knowing myself, i wont push myself too hard just to fit in and please them. I am just too extraordinary to settle for their too ordinary world.
So i quit. Another bad record for my already tarnished reputation, another big stone laid on to my shoulder. Am i hurting? I am supposed to be. But do i really am? My heart has turned to stone. Am i acting selfish? I think so. But who should i care for first? Isnt it myself? I dont like what i was doing. I was just trying to be fair to everyone else.


Abou October 10, 2008 at 3:55 AM  

tama ka dyan. ganyan din ang prisipyo ko, kaya nga jobless ako ngayon e ha ha