Wednesday, November 14, 2007

60 Days

Its been two months since i got back and nothing important has really ever happened. Sometimes i thought i shouldnt have left Dubai. I should have tried a little harder looking for alternative placement. I shouldnt have let pride took over my noble cause. But what can i do? I am already here. So much for the look backs and regrets. Time to move on.

After i got back, i spare no time looking for anoher job. Lucky i am for having such a very attractive and impressive resume to boost. In a span of two months, i have already worked for two companies, each job lasting for only one day before i quit! Not to be forgatten, i have also rejected twelve interview invitations, made two walk outs and two unsuccessful applications. Now thats what you call marketability or should i say attitude problem. You be the judge.
Movies are my passion, Thats probably one thing i missed most about the Philippines when i was still in Dubai. So after coming back, i made up for all my misses. In two months, i was able to watch fifiteen movies in twenty two occurences. How the hell has that happened? Figure out. My favorites so far are Beowulf and Butterfly on a Wheel.
Talking about finances, after two months, i am all in red. But only a few knows about my true state, cause ill be completely disgraced and humiliated if the whole world knows that someone so great like me has nothing left to spend! Yabang pa rin! Now i know how to be frugal and prudent. I never thought that i would have to learn these values this way. I was never a good example.

Just as my resume attracts so many companies, so does my body as a marketable commodity. Unintentionally but never repeatedly, sometimes i would find myself in bed with someone else, Four escapades in two months, a little less that what i used to have for a job. Shame, but sometimes it pays to be explore beyond company books and family affairs. Napapagod din ang puso, pati ang utak.

Two months after, sometimes i want to give up, but oftentimes i feel the need to hold on. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring, but who cares for tomorrow if i am no longer there to see it. Kailangan pa talaga lumaban.