Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Rain on Me

I have been around for two weeks now and i could barely count the days that it had not rained. Well, what should i expect, its the rainy season anyway. Coming from a place that hardly experience rainfall, its a delight to see the rain again, those gentle drops from the sky that eventually kiss the earth in ecstasy. It is something that i truly miss about the Philippines and it reminds me of so many things that i have banked in memories some years ago. Though it is hard to bring back all those things considering that i have grown up and some situations permit otherwise, the thoughts will always be remembered and the sounds will be always be forever tattooed on my mind.

Growing up in the province and living a simpler life makes the rainfall experience a little special. when it pours, you know that it is just plain seawater taken up there, without the pollutants and harsh acids that are present in Metro Manila's atmosphere. When it touches the ground, the soil is nourished and soon enough green grasses of different kinds will envelop the barren land. Streams and rivers will be filled up and the sound of water gushing through it will makes you feel so relaxed and refreshed. Trees and plants are washed away of the dust. Flowers bloom and fruits abound in successive harvests. Rain in the province brings in some sweet and simple pleasure, not floods and traffic jams.

Rainfall is one of the most awaited things in the province because there are just too many things to do. Topping the list of outdoor activities is taking a shower and letting those cold and salty water washed away the earth on your skin. You can even play around with your paper boats and cruise it by the water flowing along side of the road. You can devise your sticks and nets to catch edible frogs for dinner or simply prepare the soil and lay seeds of various fast growing crops and vegetables.

If you prefer to just keep inside your house, there are still plenty of things to enjoy. You can burn your seats and DVD with your favorite movies. You can surf the internet all you want chatting and browsing pages of desired fanstasies. You can enjoy the local TV shows or engage in some musical trip while sipping a hot bulalo soup. But the best thing to do is nonetheless put yourself to sleep and dream. Dream about your love and wishing shes right here with you.

Rain has its share of of not so appreciated disguises. It hampers people going to beach and those people who makes their liveihood selling cigarettes and food items in the streets and sidewalks. By Manila's standards, a slight drizzles could mean floods and tremendous traffic jams. But i dont see it fair to say that it is unfavorable. Rain is a natural phenomenon and half of our daily lives have to deal with it whether we like or not. If theres adjustments to be made, it is solely on our part. We have to adjust our lifestyles to the changing seasons.

As for me, i like it better when it rains than when its not. I am an emotional person and when it rains i feel ive got the whole world respecting and hands down. For the moment, i feel all my troubles are washed away. When it rains, ive got reasons to stay put and i feel time is not moving. Its cold but i could always put on my thickest blanket, Its wet, yeah, but i could always open and share my umbrella. There's passion inside. I am one with the world. when i am happy, ive got them applauding, when i am sad, they are there to conceal my tears. I am reminded of the saddest quote by the funniest man ever born, 'I always like walking in the rain so that no one could see me crying-Charlie Chaplin."