Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Best (Friends) I Ever Had

Yes, I am always complaining, nothing and nobody seems to please me. That’s how I have always acted and somehow I have successfully managed to make other people believed that I am one big ungrateful guy. But deep inside, I am actually a very appreciative person, though nonetheless showy. There were so many times that I could have reciprocated them for sharing their big heart to me but I would always let them slipped away. A simple thank you would do. I might not be given the chance in the future to see and meet all of them so these are my messages of appreciation for all the best friends I ever had:

Rowell. Here in Dubai, he is the closest friend I’ve got. Not only because I am jobless now and he is whom I depend on, Rowell is actually one great and generous guy. He’s a college classmate though we have not taken much time together back then because he has his own set of friends and I also got mine. Anyway, he does really care for me and look fervently after my welfare although most of the times I don’t listen. Lucky me for finding him here in Dubai! We might not have known each other that well because we have taken separate paths after graduation I am pretty sure that the rest of our colorful history are times well lived to the fullest. We take the same responsibility and love for our families and the same reason why we are here in Dubai. We share the same reason for making and enjoying life everyday life. He is always happy and with him, you would feel a real world free of worries and discontent.

Kristine. She is good and I am better. Tin Tin is one brave and dependable lady. She is an officemate here in Dubai. Though I could not find any instances that I accorded her the proper courtesy and appreciation for all the things she’s helped me with, she’s still an avid and very supportive friend. She encouraged me to go to church and for that I am thankful. She is a long distance walker and she terribly loves to stroll. She also loves to talk though I don’t listen, for that I am sorry.

Dexter. We have worked for the same company and live in the same house. He is young, dynamic and full of dreams. So many times I have taken him for granted, leaving him alone in the house while I went to the mall, watched movies, went to beach, strolled the the emirates and many more. Yet he is not even complaining. Dexter is one patient and understanding guy. I am very sorry for all the things I have failed to reciprocate, time, understanding and brotherly love. If only I could be a genie, I will grant his wish to realize all his dreams coz I know his dreams are not personal but rather for the interests of the people that he loves.

Maam Doris. She was our office secretary back in San Miguel. I called her my second mom and why not? We ate lunch together, shopped together, went home together and we even retired from the company at the same time. I miss her so much especially during these times. I miss her encouragements, her praises, her deep concern and motherly love for a prodigal son. When everyone else’s hated me, she defended me. I felt so secured when I am with her and that I would never be lost. Now that’s she’s retired and fulfilling her duties as full time mother and wife, I know she’ll be good at that and her children would be raised well. I love you mom!

Cha/Marge/Jhu/Liezl. At different intervals during my stay in San Miguel, I became close to these ladies of substance. Cha and Marge became my friends when I was assigned in my company’s head office where they both work. I became close to Liezl when she was hired as our office secretary and she’s got nobody to fool I mean to join her when she has to go to the supermarket or pay her boss’ credit card bills. Jhurene became a close friend when our office was transferred somewhere and through phone I found an English speaking lass from Pampanga. While I was still with SMC, we would have lunch out together, went malling together, watched movies together and enjoyed gimmicks together. Before I left for Dubai, they did even give me their happy parting words and encouraging messages written in cut papers resembling their actual shoe sizes. During my last birthday, they had a small celebration in the office though I was not there. It was so touching. I miss you guys!

Paul. I met Paul at the oddest of circumstance. Back in Manila, he’s the person that I see more often, almost every week on Friday nights at Shang rila. Chowking Crossing is also a familiar place during our Saturday spill-over. He likes yangchao and chicken lauriat is my favorite. Now that I am here in dubai, we hardly communicate to each other. I am receiving friendster messages from him but I am not replying for no reasons. I must say I miss this guy, the legendary waiting sheds and our non sense talk during Friday nights. I’ll be back soon.