Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tid Bits

More Jobs. Jobless.
I am jobless, not because i am not qualified.
I am jobless, not because nobody wants to hire me.
I am jobless, because there are just too many jobs to choose from and i am overwhelmed.
I am jobless, its a choice, not a chance.

Last Year
Exactly the same period last year, i had the best of eveything, money, choices and celebrations everywhere. I was days away from retiring from work. I got so much to spend and to spend on. As the year drew to a close, i was all in joy for the new year ahead. I was planning to work abroad. I wasnt worrying about anything. One year after, I am in exact opposite.

Getting Older
Before, I really didnt care much about my age, i thought its just a number. And with all the things that i got myself busy with, i didnt have time to feel its weight. I was preoccupied with work, with habits and simply enjoyinf life. Besides, i dont really look my age, most people would agree that i look younger. But now that i am not busy with anything except counting the hairstrands on my head, i stare at the mirror and i could see the lines on my face. Its almost three decades now, and inevitably i have to face the truth that i am not getting any younger.

Holding On
Who should be blamed when a leaf fall from a tree? Is it the tree that let it go? Is it the hard blowing wind? Or is it the leaf who forgot who hold on tightly? In life, we are not far different from the leaf, the tree is the Almighty and the wind represent the obstacles that are put to test our faith and will power. To hold on or to give up depend on how much blows we are willing to take. Just remeber, they are not given to destroy us, God wont give us cross we cannot bear.