Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Moving Out and Moving On

Three months ago, Dexter and I transferred to this flat as it is only minutes away fron our place of work, not to mention its proximity to the supermarket, transport stations, malls, etc.

Three months after, we moved out. The place itself could have been a comfortable choice, but the people living inside does not seem to know how to extend a little consideration such as giving chance to sleep at times beyond midnight. We all worked during the day and it's quite embarrassing and disrespectful if we would be robbed off our only time to recuperate and revitalize. We are the type who would not negotiate, for we know there are a hundred homes in Dubai that we could settle in.

Well, thats not entirely the reason why we have decided to transfer out. Dexter's sister would be arriving soon so he needed a room to accomodate her and a little privacy. On my part, as i was telling everybody, i was planning to go back home and staying would only mean being impractical as iI would remain jobless till the end of the year. Dexter got a room and August 30, we moved out of our flat in Horalanz.

To celebrate the new endeavor, we held a small salu salo together with the rest of our office mates, there's videoke and lots of food. Later, we went to the beach and we enjoyed the warm waters of Jumeirah until sunset. It was a time to relax and forget all worries. We got back home and took a rest from the seeminlgy endless happening on a sad note as i told them my plans to go back to the Philippines soon as Dexter's sister arrives. At four pm, we seized the rest of the day by going to the mall. We went to Dubai Festival City and there we took a free boat ride down the mall. We had snacks at the Food Court and right after we dropped them home one by one using our rented car.

Friday night, only me, Dexter and Carlito were left at the house. Another day has passed and a new chapter has begun. We have made choices so easily - Dexter has found a new house and i am going home. Whatever it is that each of us have chosen to emabark, life's a journey and we just gotta move on.