Friday, August 3, 2007

Six Things I Hate

Ever wonder what things turn me off or at least stir me up with a little disgust. Well, just when you thought I am the type who does not seem to abhor or dislike anything and anyone, I do have my fair share of things I cannot stand. I would not try to be mean, I would just lend some truth to the saying that "You cannot please everybody", and that means you and me included.

Myself. Though you might think I fantasize about myself too much, the truth is I hate being me. I hate being great, being famous, being so lovable and so many other good things relative to being Sam. I detest the reality that despite my malevolence and incorrigibility, people are still drawn to making friends with me. I must admit I am difficult to fathom and incomprehensible at times and yet people do not feel to punish me for doing so. My inherent amity and childishness seem to overshadow the crimes and misdemeanor for which I would honestly plead guilty of committing. This kind of things makes my life complicated and it sucks big time. I am tired of acting bad and everyone else is consenting. The spoil is doing me no good.

GMA7. As a true blooded kapamilya, it is only but expected that I defen
d my favorite media company in whatever way I can. So please refrain from talking about GMA7 when you are with me because you will surely get a taste of mortification as I enumerate each of its many pathetic shows and valueless productions, not to mention its roster of unknown stars and freaking news personalities. It is not actually that I hate GMA7, it is just that I love ABS-CBN so much that I would not want any second rate trying hard copy cat gets near its symbolic status.

Smoking. I wou
ld prefer to die of a gunshot rather than by the diseases caused by smoking. For me, smoking is one of the most disgusting habits a person could acclimatize to. When a person smokes, he is not only causing harm to himself but worse to the people around him. Smoking gives foul smell and bad breath. Though for some people consuming packs of that nicotine-flavored sticks radiates some appeal and added machismo, I prefer to shine on the merits of my God given talents. Talking about social responsibility, I do not want to further contribute to air pollution and global warming.

Commitment. If there's one thing I am afraid of, it is commitment, to someone that is. This is not to say that I don't want to get married someday, it is just that I enjoy being free. Commitment is a chain linked by trust, love and confidence. Right now, I just don't want to be trusted and loved. I want to be alone, having the liberty to do anything that comes to mind. I am not in position to owe anyone any special attention. I just don’t want to hurt other people. I just don’t want to be guilty.

Noise. One thing that totally irritates me is noise. I hate noisy people, noisy children, noisy music, noisy places and noisy occasions. This might sound a little surprising because I myself have a built in loud speaker inside my body. Bigoted it is, but it freaks me out when children scream or when people talk so loud at times when I want to go sleep. Same things happen when rain falls so hard on the rooftop or when frogs racket in seemingly festive mood after a drizzle. I do not like listening to rock music and going to disco and rock concerts.

Conversations about Sex. Less talk less mistakes, this is what they say to avoid arguments especially when you do not have a hand regarding the topic of the conversation. However, I believe there are some things that are inherently not meant to be talked about in public or beyond the confines of the bedroom, for this matter, sex. Sex is a sacred and a private thing. Whatever happens during the course, unlike dessert or birthday cake, is not best shared. I am saying this not because I know nothing about sex, mind you. It is only that I find it uncomfortable and displeasing when someone kiss and tell. Isn't it tantamount to being an indirect exhibitionist? I am a good story teller, only but a wholesome one.