Friday, August 3, 2007

The Passage of Innocence

When we were born, our mind is compared to a blank sheet, tabula rasa as they say in French. It is empty and bare of anything, so clean, simple and pure. As we begin the journey that we called life, fundamental characters and attitudes are instilled to us by our parents. We joined to play with other kids though along the way we have yet to realize the value of having fun and fostering association. We started to go to school and fed the mind with knowledge of academics. Almost in the same timeframe, we tried to venture into some addicting circumstances: vices, relationships and so on. Various influences started to fill up the vacuums in our once unoccupied mind. As we grow older, we are faced to make many decisions upon which our ultimate being would depend on.

Life – is what we make it. It is always at our disposal what we want to have become. We own the blank sheet that is our mind, though people can suggest, persuade and greatly influence its content, it is still with us to accept or deny. We are born with free will. Man alone chooses his destiny. Priests serve in church because they want to; criminals suffer in jail because they choose to; successful people achieve their dreams because they work hard for it; we are where we are because we listen, not from what other people want, but from the desires reverberating from our heart.

It is seldom that chances eclipse our choices. Since birth, we have been given a paper and the liberty to write anything in it.

While the accumulation of experiences, knowledge and everything that defines our mortality takes the entirety of our lifetime, it is interesting to note that a person who's raised well by his parents, God fearing and responsible is always up to a good start, further, a chance to be successful in whatever endeavor he choose to be engaged in. That cares to show that good seeds indeed sow goods fruits.