Friday, August 3, 2007

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

If I could turn back the hands of time, I would like to have been born differently, but that is too unrealistic, like supposing the sun setting in the west and expecting winter coming in June. So for the life I am living, I should be a grateful man, less a complaining one. The future holds the key to a meaningful existence, not the past.

I could not change it. Whatever it is I wish I could have done or I wish I should not have done, now my hands are all thrown up in the air, letting by-gones be by-gones, going along with the flow, making the fullest use of what I presently have. I could only sigh to look back, but to resign to blame seeking and self-loathing, I should not.

I could have been a better man. I should not have tolerated my eccentricities and profoundness. I could have been a little closer to my family. I should not have left the Philippines. If only I was fairer. Too many to mention but one thing is sure, without all these, I would not have emerged as the same person that I am here today.

There might be a lot of things that have fallen out place, walks that have been screwed up or plans that have even failed to take place. The important thing is not to be bitter over life's difficulties and frustrations. Life's everyday will not always be sunny. When you find yourself lost and in despair, remember that it is in the dark of the night that you get to see the stars that would lead you back to home.

The so many 'ifs', 'could have been', 'should have been' and 'I wish' are results of timing imperfections, cases of having too much too soon, too early too few or too little too late. Things happen for a reason, if it does not, then it is not yet time. God's timing is always perfect. He may not have moved our schedule just the way we wanted it, but He is never late.