Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love of A Father

If there is one person in the world that I owe much of my life, it's gonna be my father. Though I have barely recognize that fact by paying gratitude, deep in my heart I know I owe this guy big time, that without him, I wouldn't be here either. I am not the showy type, not even to my mother whom I am little closer. My childhood orientation has prevented me from opening up even to my own parents. But that doesn't change anything, I know I am here because of them, not by chance but by choice and that the gratitude that I need to pay isn't something measurable and quantifiable.

When I started working, I assumed the responsibility of providing for all my family's needs. I was young then and I felt it too heavy to carry. I have to work doubly hard and my heart has turned to stone. Since then I have not spoken to my family as I used to do. I thought there wasn't much to talk about except that I need to earn. I had become materialistic. I thought that money is he only thing that my family needs and I have to make money, money for food, money for bills, money for clothes, money for grocery, money for everything. I blamed my father for everything that I had to do. He relinquished his duties too soon.

My ties with my family have gone farther and farther away from me, especially my father's. It pained me to see that I am working myself to death while they sit comfortably in front of the television day and night. I asked myself, am I now paying for all my debt? If so, why would it be so hard and so lumpy? Is there an easy terms? Can I temporary defer if I couldn't take it much longer? Too many questions. Why would I have to be my father's son?

I love my father, though there are circumstances when I feel bad about him like when he smokes and gets drunk. Those things aren't lasting and at the end of the day, I know he's still my father no matter what. My father loves me too, although we don't have any similarity except our diminishing hairline. Nonetheless, he has been good to me. I might not have inherited his good looks, but my wit and storytelling skills are undeniably two things he had passed me with.

It was him who feels proudest of my achievements; just the same, he carried my frustrations whenever I would lose my job or go home empty handed. He has never dictated me anything to do, he could only hoped for the best for things that he has never been given. He was very supportive. During my elementary days he would always escort me onstage to receive my medals during recognition. He wasn't the social type, but he would attend to the school every time it would call for a PTA meeting. He has not done that to my other siblings.

When I was younger and was starting to ride the bike, a neighbor's dog attacked me causing me to fell off the bike and bruised myself. My father saw all that and he hurried to help me. Then picked up the biggest stone he could get and he hit the canine, he was fuming and ready to kill the dog. The bruise soon healed but that moment I forever remembered.

When I was reviewing for the board exam, a month before the actual take, I lost my month's allowance to a knee high flood in San Juan where I was living back then. After the incident, I went back to the province and I told them what happened. Sadly I decided not to pursue my review anymore because I have not left anything more to spend. Hours later, my father gave me back the amount that I have lost, without even telling me where he borrowed that amount, he told me to go back to Manila and assumed that nothing tragic has really ever happened. In a month's time, I was a Certified Public Accountant.

There were still more wonderful things that my father has done to me, but they need not be mentioned for every father would have wanted only the best for their sons and daughters. My father terribly loves to drink with his circle of friends. When ho does, he would always make mention about my achievements, usually overboard and exaggerated. I get so irritated when he does that, but I realize it is his own way of telling everyone how proud he is for having me as a son, for having fulfilled a dream that he could only dreamed of.

Now my father is old but still I haven't tried to reach out. I am just too timid and awkward to ask him how he is and how has it been. I know he is tired of seeing me getting tired, but he wouldn't show it. I know he feels for my frustrations but he just won’t let me know it. He knows that if he does, it would just add up to my burden. Sometimes I would like to look into his eyes and say sorry for all my shortcomings and disregards. I could only pray to God that he be given more years to live so that I can make up for all my misses.


It's my father's birthday on the 27th. Wish I could say what my heart needs to say to my beloved father on this special day.



RUEL October 4, 2008 at 5:59 AM  

"...fathers wouldn’t utter the words I love and care for you, nor would he publicly display his affection, yet most of his acts clearly proves that he really does. Sometimes his gestures of fidelity to his family may come to pass unnoticed but his efforts in pursuing his plans to eventually fulfill the dream of every member of his little kingdom are always fervent."

A-Z-E-L April 22, 2009 at 11:35 PM  

a good father always understands his family. you have done much way back then. you proved your worth as a son & as a brother. you need not to prove anything more!

thanking your parents would not be enough though. coz as what most people say, we can only pay all the goodness our parents showed us by being the BEST father/mother to our children. and once you did... you can call it even.

ingat jan...

Anonymous,  April 23, 2009 at 2:45 AM  

you don't have to ask God to give your father longer time to livefor life sometimes is so short . . . you have to ACT NOW and tell him how you really loved him from the start . . . i know it won't be that easy for i also long to tell that to my father who died many years back . . . i have the same experience as you are, but not at par with your achievements, but that's always the thing i have in mind until this time . . . if my Papa is still alive now, he will be seeing and enjoying the fruits of all the hardships he had done for us. but at least i still have my mom to shower everything . . . there was a movie titled "IF ONLY", i dunno if i can still remember it right, in one scence there was a dialogue saying that if ever you love someone, tell it to him/her right at that moment or you will not have time to tell it to that person anymore, and then you will be sorry for not having done it.

do it now . . . you have lots of time to tell that to your father or to your family . . . or even to your friends . . . this will be the right time to do it. or else nobody knows whats deep within you.

smile and always be happy, there are lots of things to smile about in this world . . .lots of things to be cherished and at the end of the day . . . you'll just say, i have done the best part of my life . . . stay happy and everything will be fine

Anonymous,  April 23, 2009 at 5:32 AM  

to be frank with you i cried when i made the comment on this blog . . . i do miss my father, i am his favorite and he gave me everything when i was a kid. i missed him coz he died when we are still struggling to have a better future and he was not able to experience what life would be after all those trials . . . like yours, my father too drinks a lot during his days and brags all the accomplishments i made in school or anywhere else.

at least you still have a complete set of family where you can fully give and provide them with everything, i admire you for being such a FAMILY ORIENTED MAN, but you don't have to detach yourself from them for at the end of the day, whatever happens, it will always be them that will support and give inspirations to you, not anybody else . . . maybe they are just waiting for you to open up yourself . . . unload what is deep within you and you will see that life would be better and more meaningful . . . they will always be there to have a listening ear to whatever worries and problems you have in mind - they are your family - forever


sam April 23, 2009 at 7:41 AM  

azel-> thanks for that inspiring thought. sometimes talaga naiisip ko na parang unfair. pero kung iisiping mabuti, kulang pa nga pala yun. we need to be parents too para maunderstand kung pano ang hirap ng pagpapalaki sa atin ng ating mga magulang.

anyway, im back in dubai.

sam April 23, 2009 at 7:47 AM  

anonymous-> first of fall, thanks for posting and taking time to write those kilometric comments. in itself masaya na ko na binasa mong write up.

pero reading down all your thoughts. mas nakakataba ng puso. parang hindi ako nag iisa. thanks man for all the advices. naisip ko rin yun. what good is yung paghihirap ko dito para kumita ng pera kung hindi ko naman alam kung masaya ba yung pina[adlahan ko. kung anong lagay nila. kung kumusta na sila.

siguro sa sobrang hirap lang ng pagtratrbaho, naiisip ko yun pagiging walang paki sa akin ng family ko. but i know they love me too.

you know the song "dance with my father", sana nga kung pwede lang kahit isang saglit, makasama mo yung father mo (yung hindi ghost ha) para masabi mo din na mahal na mahal mo siya.

thanks talaga.

Jinjiruks April 23, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

usapang Father's day ito ah. dumaan lang sam. nasabi na nila ang lahat. ^^; umuwi ka na sa Pinas

RJ April 25, 2009 at 8:08 PM  

Naalala ko ang Tatay ko, ah. Whew!

Buti ka nandyan pa rin ang iyong ama. Sana mabasa niya ito. Happy Birthday sa tatay mo, Chico! o",)

Anonymous,  April 27, 2009 at 3:22 AM  

sam, is it really sam? it is ur father's bday now, were u able to call him and greet him on this special day? if not, you have to or you will miss again on one of the most important things in his life where he can hear you utter those simple words "Happy Birthday Tay". I know that we always think of giving and spending so much to provide material things to our parents or to any of our relatives/friends - but it is not only that - what is plain and simple are the most important gift we can give to them - a simple hi and a good gesture will cost a lot to the person whom we give it to. don't let the day be gone without saying those words to your tatay, i know that he will be more than happy to hear you say it, this will be the right time for you to say I Love You too, to him. don't waste time or you will be sorry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR TATAY, wish that i too can say that to my Papa and i won't really think twice saying it to him for i do missed him a lot. am crying again e . . . just misses him that much coz i was not able to repay what he had done to us . . . even my own life is not enought to pay him with all the hardships he endured rearing us . . . but am thankful for he made a better person out of me . . . i maybe short tempered and boastful at times but am very very kind inside . . . if only those people knew how i feel for them . . .

Anonymous,  April 27, 2009 at 3:24 AM  

sorry to post kilometric comments on your blog, just felt inspired reading about father's issues coz i had been "fatherless" for 22 years now, almost half of my life i live without him. just wondering how will it be if he is still around during those 22 years, will it make any difference?