Thursday, April 30, 2009

2009 Guide to Summer Movies

It’s that time of year again, when winter runs away, the sun comes out, the grass turns green and shorts and flip flops come out of hibernation, generally attached to legs that are fluorescent white. It’s the time of year when we forget all the deals with the devil we made during winter, offering to sell our souls if we could simply make a small fortune and move to the Caribbean. Yes, summertime is upon us and that means a barrage of movies that will definitely sap our bank accounts (starting April until August. So here's a rundown of all the biggest films this summer (arranged by showing schedule) that surely you dont want to miss:


witch April 30, 2009 at 4:38 PM  

i can't hardly wait to watch some movies of 2009 :)

lucas May 1, 2009 at 3:12 AM  

my top 3 most anticipated movies this summerrrrrrrr:

2.angels and demons
3. transformers
