Monday, February 25, 2008

Sorry, Love

Days to go and the month of February is almost gone, but here I am clueless, struggling to find something interesting to blog about. Well you might say, I shouldn’t be looking anywhere farther, February is supposed to be the love month. And as the film “Shakespeare in Love” vehemently lauded, love is the only inspiration. Sad to say, I don’t know love at all.

I feel so uninspired this time. Oh maybe I was so overwhelmed by the countless heartaches that I have found that I have felt naïve of the true and beautiful thing that is love. Maybe the inevitable problems that I have to face have blocked the way for this wonderful feeling that is love. Maybe I was so fascinated by the fantastic world that I myself have created that I have lost sight of the true ones that I already have.

Sorry. Love. I am so contained in my profoundness and convention that I have not paid you my dues. I apologize for all the chances that you gave that I never took. I ask for forgiveness for all the times that you tried to be close but I stay away from you. I am down on my knees and humbled, that after all my ignorance and indifference, you always find a way to get through even the hardest of heart.